
Rebate: Minnesota Energy Resources

Posted On May 30, 2019 at 2:01 am by / No Comments

ENERGY STAR® certified top- and front-loading clothes washers and dishwashers for customers with natural gas water heaters

About 70-90% of the energy used by a washing machine is for heating the water, so washers that use less hot water use less energy. Minnesota Energy Resources is offering rebates for ENERGY STAR® certified top- and front-loading clothes washers for customers with natural gas water heaters. And, since higher efficiency clothes washers wring more water out of the clothes, you’ll also save on energy used for drying. ENERGY STAR certified clothes washers cut energy and water consumption about a third compared to conventional washers.

If you have a dishwasher made before 1994 you may be paying an extra $40 a year on your utility bills compared to owning a new ENERGY STAR certified model. Replace one of these old dishwashers with ENERGY STAR and save enough money to pay for dishwasher detergent all year. And, if you heat your water with natural gas, you are eligible for an appliance rebate.

Measure Minimum efficiency Rebate
Dishwasher* ENERGY STAR certified $30
Clothes Washer* ENERGY STAR certified $45

* Water heater must be fueled by natural gas to qualify.
Equipment must be on the ENERGY STAR list to qualify.

See additional details and how to apply for the rebate at